Grants Facilitation
A list of upcoming Grant Application Deadlines can be found here.
All research grant applications and proposals must be accompanied by a Research Project Information Form (RPIF), which can be downloaded here.
Boilerplate text and data for grant applications*:
General: My laboratory is located in the Life Sciences Institute (LSI), a UBC Global Research Excellence (GREx) Institute and home to the Biological Resilience Initiative (BRI), where 85 Principal Investigators (PIs) from 13 Departments, across 4 Faculties, conduct their research, organized in nine Research Groups. I am part of the X research group which includes X other PIs from X departments: Name Departments.
Infrastructure: Within the 270,000 sq. ft. of interdisciplinary research space at the LSI, X Sq ft. of office (typically 300 sq. ft. per PI) and laboratory space (typically 1300 sq. ft. per PI) is exclusively allocated for my research program and team.
To make technology and expertise available to all its researchers, the LSI houses five state-of-the-art Core Facilities including for bioinformatics, high-throughput biology, imaging, flow cytometry and structural biology, as well as four core services, including an equipment services workshop for maintenance and repairs of laboratory equipment, glass washing service, stores, and a qPCR core.
HQP: Since its establishment in 2005, >3000 HQP have trained at the LSI, representing a significant contribution to the development of Canada’s knowledge-based work force. Currently, the LSI is facilitating the training of >400 HQP trainees (104 postdoctoral fellow, 221 graduate students, 107 undergraduate research students) and ~165 HQP research staff (research associates, assistants, technicians), representing a significant contribution to Canada’s knowledge-based work force. Our research infrastructure and environment have helped our trainees to successfully secure ~$1M in training grants and fellowships each year.
The LSI provides a rich scientific environment and many opportunities for interactions with a multitude of departments and medical research institutes. It is home to the interdisciplinary graduate program in Cell and Developmental Biology, as well as the departmental graduate programs in Microbiology and Immunology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Medical Genetics.
CRCs: 12 active chairs, including six Tier 1 and five Tier 2 chairs, and a C150 chair (as of 2022)
For assistance with grant opportunities, please contact:
Nina Maeshima
Research Grants Facilitator
office: 1354
Lena Dolgosheina
Research Grants Facilitator
office: 1354
Namratha Chaganti
Research Grants Facilitator
office: 1354