
UBC/LSI Bioinformatics Facility


The LSI bioinformatics core will facilitate and advance biological research using bioinformatics analyses. The core will focus primarily on applied bioinformatics and education, in other words, analyzing data with existing codes and helping researchers learn how to do their own analyses. All researchers, PIs and trainees should feel welcome to drop by to ask for advice both at the planning stage of an experiment and after they have collected data, even if they are expecting to do most of the analysis themselves.


At launch, the bioinformatics core the user fees for UBC researchers will be:
– free consultations
– flat fee of $200 for the analysis of most sequencing based experiments such as WGS, RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, etc
– additional $50 per day for calculations taking more than 24 hours on our current server (56 threads, 512 Gb of RAM), e.g. for de novo assembly of larger genomes
– flat fee of $500 for types of analysis new to the core where software and pipeline need to be evaluated, implemented and tested
– hourly rate of $30 for interactive exploratory analysis not covered in the previous categories
– low fees will be collected from the attendees of core-led workshops, primarily to ensure a commitment to attend. It is expected that these fees will be paid from research grants

Academic researchers from outside UBC and non-profit organizations will pay an additional 30%. For-profit corporations will be charged under a full cost recovery scheme.

The fee structure will be kept up-to-date, and the expected cost of each analysis will be communicated before starting the work.

Publications using work performed by the core should acknowledge the core or include specific members of the core as co-authors depending on the contribution level. Watch for specific guidelines and wording to be provided on this page.

User/Steering Committee

Douglas Allan
Janel Kopp
Louis Lefebvre


Drop-in help desk-type service for quick questions will be available on most days between 2:00PM and 3:00PM. Longer consultations should be prearranged by contacting the core.

We are looking forward to learning more about your projects and collaborating with you.


Stephane Flibotte
Lead Bioinformatician and Bioinformatics Core Manager
Life Sciences Institute
Life Sciences Centre #2405-2350 Health Sciences Mall