The LSI is joining up with the CBR Summer Studentship program to provide students with an opportunity to get hands-on research experience this summer and to present their research at CBR Research Day. This program enhances summer students’ learning with research skills workshops, career development events, and complementary social events. Summer students receive a combined award total of $9,500 + benefits for 16 weeks, running May-August 2024. These awards are designated for undergraduate students or medical students, who are interested in working under the supervision of a CBR or LSI Principal Investigator (PI), Research Associate (RA), or Postdoctoral Fellow (PDF) over the summer period.
How to Apply:
- Students must connect with a CBR Principal Investigator, LSI Principal Investigator, Postdoctoral Fellow, or Research Associate they are interested in working with.
- Complete the application package:
- Once a student and their supervisor have agreed to apply for the Program, they will work together to complete and submit an application. Download the 2024 CBR/LSI Summer Studentship Application form here.
- Submit your application package to Kaitlyn Chuong ( by March 10, 2024. Please email the application package as a single PDF file.