Research Interests
Developmental Biology, Embryology, Evolution, Gene Regulation and Expression
Research Focus Teams
Oral Health, Rare Diseases
Office Phone: phone: 604–822–3568
Lab Website
I am a Pediatric Dentist based at BCCH department of dentistry. I am also the director of the graduate program in Pediatric Dentistry which trains specialists. My research is in the area of developmental malformations that affect the face and teeth. I am particularly focused on the causes of cleft lip with or without cleft palate which affects 1 in 700 babies. Facial clefting is one of the most common birth defects and in the majority of cases, the clefts occur in otherwise healthy babies. Therefore, the causes are complex and difficult to attribute to genetic mutations. I study the environmental effects that predispose an individual to developing a cleft. I primarily use the chicken embryo for this research because I can test the role of specific genes and growth factors in facial development directly in the egg. In addition, I do clinical research on human fetal development and changes to delivery of dental services during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The early embryonic faces of humans, mice and reptiles are so similar that it is difficult to tell them apart. Yet through a series of steps, cells are patterned to form the intricate skeleton of the upper and lower jaws. My lab works on the molecular changes in early embryos that gradually build up the hard tissues of the face. The work follows three major themes, the establishment of jaw identity or jaw pattern, the basis for orofacial clefting and the evolution of jaws and teeth.
It is fascinating to study how individual parts of the embryonic face are specified to form either a nose, mandible, maxilla.. Past work from my lab has shown that by tweaking the levels of different molecules in the face, a striking change occurs, the maxilla is transformed into centre of the face (Lee et al., 2001). The chicken embryo is ideal for these experiments since the environment can be locally changed in many ways either by local release of chemicals or by surgical manipulation. We are presently extending these studies, by studying certain genes that were identified as being changed following the implantation of face transformation signals into early embryos.
The second focus area is cleft lip. The human form of cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) is a common birth defect and is most often not associated with a syndrome. It is thought that there is an interaction between the individual’s genes and the environment to produce the CL/P. Our experiments have identified important roles for certain growth factors in lip fusion and these have all subsequently been identified as contributing genes in human clefting.
The third focus area is evolution of the jaws and teeth. Here the embryos of snakes, lizards and turtles are being studied. Since living reptiles are most closely related to dinosaurs, our work is giving us insights into the development of now extinct animals. Recently we have identified dental epithelial stem cells in geckos that could underlie the ability of this animal to replace its teeth continuously. A detailed analysis of molecular signaling in python teeth corroborates and extends the work on the gecko. Ours are the first experiments to study the process of tooth replacement in animals that replace their teeth throughout life. Thus not only is our work telling us how during evolution, humans lost the ability to continually replace teeth, We also are gaining valuable insights into how tooth replacement in humans occurs.
My lab is the only two in Canada and one of few in the world that focuses on the patterning mechanisms in embryonic facial development. During my career I have worked on all stages of facial patterning from neural crest cells, to facial prominence formation and finally the differentiation of the skull. My main accomplishments are to develop the chicken as a model for studying the molecular controls of cleft lip and for understanding how jaw identity is established. In addition to work with chicken, I have worked with mouse and reptilian embryos. My training as a pediatric dentist feeds directly into the reptilian tooth replacement studies since we are adapting certain dental procedures to the gecko. I am making unique contributions to the biology of tooth replacement that cannot be studied in the mouse which only has one set of teeth.
Here are the topics I am currently investigating:
1) Rare diseases affecting craniofacial and limb development
2) Measuring developmental instability in the face using live imaging
3) Exploring the stem cells and molecules required for life-long tooth replacement in geckos
4) 3D morphometrics of human craniofacial and dental development in the middle trimester
5) Assessing the value of virtual health visits for dental consultations