Among studies of single cells to bioengineered models of development, Cell Stem Cell has named a phase 1/2 clinical paper by Drs. Adam Ramzy (first author) and Timothy Kieffer (senior author) amongst its reader’s and editors’ top picks from the journal in 2021.
In a series of tweets, Cell Stem Cell presented Ramzy and Kieffer’s analysis of year one data from a phase 1/2 study showing evidence of meal-regulated insulin secretion by differentiated stem cells in patients.
The paper, entitled “Implanted pleuripotent stem-cell-derived pancreatic endoderm cells secrete glucose-responsive c-peptide in patients with type 1 diabetes” appeared as the journal’s first publication in its top ten, alongside publications showcasing advanced technologies delivering foundational insights into hematopoiesis, aging, early development & cancer as well as reports showcasing recent clinical progress. Papers were stated to appear in no particular order.
Congratulations to Dr. Ramzy, who earned his MD/PhD at UBC, and worked as a postdoctoral fellow, and now works for Boston Consulting Group in Boston, Massachusetts, and to Dr. Timothy Kieffer, currently serving as chief scientific officer at ViaCyte in San Diego, California.