Dear LSI Members,
We would like to bring to your attention that there are now racks available for you to wash your glass pipettes in the dishwasher, in the following locations:
2nd Floor – 2.339 (West), 3rd Floor – 3.438 (Center), 4th Floor – 4.438 (Center), 5th floor – 5.538 (East). If you use one of these racks in a different location on your floor, we ask that you please return them to the original location after use.
Many thanks to Penninger lab for sponsoring the 2nd, 3rd and 5th floor racks, and to UBC Green Labs funds for the 4th floor rack. These custom built racks will allow LSI members to wash their glass pipettes, reducing water consumption and plastic waste. Thanks also to REINI from Overall lab, one of our wonderful sustainability coordinators for LSC, for helping to set this up.