Steven Hallam receives two Genome BC grants

Two UBC research initiatives led by Steven Hallam, in collaboration with Sean Crowe and Uli Mayer, have received funding from Genome BC. The researchers and their teams will use a genomics-based approach on microbial communities to support sustainable bioenergy.

Steven Hallam is a member of the LSI’s Bacterial Adaptation & Response Networks (BARN) Research Group, CIFAR Scholar, and Associate Professor in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology. Sean Crowe is also a member of the BARN Research Group, Canada Research Chair in Geomicrobiology, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology and the Department of Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Sciences, the latter department in which Uli Mayer is also a Professor.

Learn more about the research projects on UBC Science Media Release and Genome BC News Release.

Hallam’s TEDx Talk given in Vancouver (October 25, 2014), titled The power of microbial cooperation, is available here.


(Photo: Video snapshot of Steven Hallam during his TEDx Talk)